Procedure 2. Personnel Development

United States Air Force

Procedure 2. Personnel Development

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - General Information

Section 1 - General Information

Section 2 - Technical Trainings (TTs)

Subsection 2.1 - TT Eligibility

Subsection 2.2 - TT Stack Condenser

Section 3 - Advancement Courses

Subsection 3.1 - Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Advancement Course (SNCOAC)

Subsection 3.2 - Warrant Officer Advancement Course (WOAC)

Subsection 3.3 - Officer Leadership Course (OCL)



Section 1 - General Information

To assist in the development of our personnel in the United States Air Force has a range of trainings to educate personnel on everything they will need to knoew during their time working in USAF to prepare them for their futures within our military. As well as general information trainings we also offer multiple development courses and interactive trainings.


In order for members to train any TTs, they are required to have obtained TT {B} as well as the respective TT that they are looking to host.

Section 2 - Technical Trainings
Subsection 2.1 - TT Eligibility

Letter / Symbol Name Rank AS W2+ ATEC AFPA AFIA M&PS SF SP&R
A Advancement and Progression E5  ✓  ✓  ✓ ✓   ✓ ✓ 
B Basic Instructor Training E4  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ ✓  ✓  ✓ 
D Developing Leaders W2  ✓            
E Effective Communication E2  ✓  ✓ ✓   ✓  ✓ ✓   ✓
F Forms and Operational Security E5  ✓  ✓       ✓  ✓ 
H HQ Management and Leadership E7  ✓  ✓          
I Introduction to Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) E4  ✓  ✓  ✓ ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ 
J JNCO Induction (E4 Training) E4  ✓            
L Leaves and Resignations E6  ✓  ✓      ✓    
M Military Bearing and Professionalism E3  ✓  ✓  ✓ ✓  ✓   ✓ ✓ 
N Navigating PTS Gateway E4  ✓ ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ 
O Officer Leadership Course W5 [1]   [2]          
P Pay and Remunerations  E5
R Recruiting Civilians E1
S Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Advancement Course (SNCOAC) E6 [1]   [3]          
T Transfers and Reinstatements E2
U Understanding Sentry Operations E4          
V Visiting Foreign Organisations and Allies E5        
W Warrant Officer Advancement Course (WOAC) E8 [1]   [3]          
X Background Check E6            
Z Information and Online Security E3
[1] Only SLC+
[2] Only the DCS OPR / ADC T&E
[3] Only the T&E Command

Subsection 2.2 - TT Stack Condenser

Letter / Symbol Combination
{1} R + E + T  + M + Z
{2} {1} + B + I + J + N + U
{X3} {2} + A + F + V + P + X + L  + H + S
{X4} {X3} + W + D
{5} {X4} + O

Section 3 - Development Courses
Subsection 3.1 - Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Advancement Course (SNCOAC)
The Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Advancement Course (SNCOAC) is an exam maintained and regulated by the Testing and Evaluations (T&E) team within the Air Training and Education Command (ATEC) to prepare those ranked E6 for their advancement into the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Corps. This course not only prepares the potential SNCO but also tests the knowledge that they have gained to ensure that they are prepared for their advancement.

Those ranked E6 and above are eligible to request the SNCOAC, if there are any questions they should be directed to the Testing and Evaluations (T&E) team.

Subsection 3.2 - Warrant Officer Advancement Course (WOAC)
The Warrant Officer Advancement Course (WOAC) is an exam maintained and regulated by the Testing and Evaluations (T&E) team within the Air Training and Education Command (ATEC) to prepare those ranked E8 and above for their advancement into the Warrant Officer Corps. This course not only prepares the potential WO but also tests the knowledge that they have gained to ensure that they are prepared for their advancement.

Those ranked E8 and above are eligible to request the WOAC, if there are any questions they should be directed to the Testing and Evaluations (T&E) team.

Subsection 3.3 - Officer Leadership Course (OCL)
The Officer Leadership Course (OCL) issued by the Air Force Academy (AFA) is a prestigious opportunity only given to a select few each month, the candidates of this school will hold the rank of Officer Candidate (O0) and throughout the month be taught the ins and outs of being a Commissioned Officer with their knowledge being tested regularly throughout the process.

Upon graduation, those successful in completing the school will receive a commission from the Senior Leadership Command (SLC) and join the ranks of the Commissioned Officers.

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