United States Air Force
Procedure 1. Headquarters Operations
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - General Information
Section 1 - General Information
Section 2 - Headquarters Rules
Chapter 2 - Headquarters Operations
Section 1 - Visual Representation
Section 2 - HQ Work Stations
Subsection 2.1 - Rule of Thumb
Subsection 2.2 - HQ Work Stations General Filling Priority
Section 3 - Sentry Regulations
Section 4 - Attention Procedure
Subsection 4.1 - Attention Guidelines
Subsection 4.2 - Attention Types
Subsection 4.3 - Sentry Attentions
Section 5 - Chat Colours
Section 6 - VIP Access
Section 1 - General Information
This procedure is to be adhered to by all USAF personnel and visitors to the USAF regardless of their VIP package or position in another military. The enforcement of this procedure is the responsibility of the Duty Desk Operator, Security Forces, and all personnel.
Section 2 - Headquarters Rules
The rules listed below are to be adhered to at all times, exemptions to this are listed below each rule.
Dancing is prohibited at all times in Headquarters
During celebrations and during the countdown to Habbo Maintenance a member of the Senior Leadership Command is authorized to allow personnel to dance.
The use of signs is prohibited within the Headquarters
During official games, the host may allow the use of signs to indicate if a user has flooded the room.
The use of colored chat is allowed as long as it does not disrupt HQ Operations
The use of effects is prohibited inside the Headquarters
Civilians in the lobby may use them providing they do not disrupt HQ operations
Section 1 - Visual Representation
Section 2 - HQ Work Stations Filling Priority
Subsection 2.1 - Rule of Thumb
HQ Work Stations within the main headquarters should be filled on operational needs basis. Priority in filling positions may be waived if there's a pressing need for manpower elsewhere in the Headquarters. This decision is made by the Area Supervisor or the Area Officer on duty.
Subsection 2.2 - General Filling Priority
The general rule of thumb to follow when filling HQ positions to maximize efficiency of HQ operations. The general filling priority is as follows:
It is not mandatory to follow the filling priority should the on-going HQ operational requirements demands a position of lower priority to be filled.
Section 3 - HQ Work Stations
Front Row Welcome members to the Headquarters and recruit new personnel to the military. |
None |
None |
Sentry Operator Process all incoming personnel and visitors, only allowing authorized access. |
:gate1 - Opens the gate to the left :gate2 - Opens the gate to the right :recruit - Sends the user to the pen :lobby - Sends user to the lobby |
Completed TT {B} |
Area Supervisor Responsible for the upkeep of headquarters ensuring positions are filled and that operations are running smoothly. |
:tt - Opens the gate to the TT room :ict - Rotates the ICT tele in INCT pen :hallway - Opens the gate to the Hallway :gg - Turn on the Group Gate in lobby :whistle - Sounds the whistle in HQ :gamesin - Activates the Games Area |
Completed TT {H}, {B} Ranked E7+ |
N/A |
Area Officer Responsible for the leadership of Headquarters providing guidance to the AS. |
None |
Completed TT {H}, {B}, {O} Ranked O1+ |
Transfer Desk |
:gate - Opens the gate to the Transfer HQ |
Member of AFPC OR |
Help Desk |
None |
Completed TT {K} |
Section 4 - Sentry Regulations
Personnel when they are assuming the sentry are required to adhere to the following guidelines.
A cover should be worn at all times in accordance with Regulation 3. Standing Orders of Dress
Personnel must have completed TT {U}
Personnel should have PTS & Forums Access
Section 5 - Attention Procedure
Subsection 5.1 - Attention Guidelines
Only those listed in the table that is in Subsection 5.2 - Attention Types may call an attention
Commissioned Officers may authorize those below them to call an attention
Attentions should be called in Red Chat
Officers may opt to call them in HC Blue Officer Chat
Personnel are required to remain silent during attentions, unless the "Stand, At Ease" command is given
Personnel should NOT move whilst at attention
Subsection 5.2 - Attention Types
Front Row, Attention! |
Only those on the Front Row are required to stand for this attention. |
E9C+ / SF Personnel |
Attention! |
Only those on the Front Row & in Positions are required to stand for this attention. |
O1+ |
Headquarters, Attention! |
Everyone ins Headquarters are required to stand for this attention. |
O5+ |
Subsection 5.3 - Sentry Attentions
Once a Commissioned Officer (O1+) has passed through sentry, the sentry personnel must stand and salute (wave). The officer is expected to return the salute.
If the officer does not call "At ease", "As your were" and/or "Carry on" before the end of the salute, the sentry must call for the corresponding attention (depending on the rank of the officer) in red chat. If the officer calls any of the commands mentioned, the sentry will resume normal sentry operations without calling an attention.
Officers on leave (will have "*OL*" in their motto) will not receive an attention when passing through sentry.
The two (2) types of attentions to call is as follows:
Personnel ranked above O5 (Lieutenant Colonel) are to receive a "Headquarters, Attention"
Personnel ranked above O1 (Second Lieutenant) are to receive an "Attention"
Section 6 - Chat Colors
- Commissioned Officer |
- Area Supervisor |
- TT Announcements - Sentry Operator |
- Attentions & Commands |
- General Skylarking |
Section 7 - VIP Access
Users who hold VIP status are given access in accordance with their VIP levels and the perks outlined in Regulation 1 - General Legislation. However, the following members are authorized to grant temporary VIP status for the duration that they are in headquarters:
Users who meet one of these requirements may sit in the VIP section of the headquarters:
O1+ if there are 2+ personnel on the Front Row.
Air Staff
Guests with VIP.