United States Air Force
Regulation 1. General Legislation
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - General Legislation
Section 1 - USAF’s Mission Statement
Section 2 - Regulations & Standing Orders
Subsection 2.1 - Regulations
Subsection 2.2 - Enforcement of Regulations
Subsection 2.3 - Standing Orders
Chapter 2 - Employment
Section 1 - General Provisions
Section 2 - Account Guidelines
Subsection 2.1 - Online Time
Subsection 2.2 - Muting Officials
Subsection 2.3 - Alternate Accounts
Subsection 2.4 - Compromised Accounts
Section 3 - Language Guidelines
Section 4 - Relationship Guidelines
Chapter 3 - Donations
Section 1 - Foreword
Section 2 - Tiers & Perks
Section 3 - Terms & Conditions
Chapter 4 - Communication Platform
Section 1 - Discord
Subsection 1.1 - Permissions and Authority
Subsection 1.2 - Role Requests
Section 1 - USAF’s Mission Statement
Our mission at the United States Air Force on Habbo.com is to provide a unique military roleplay experience that sets itself apart. We strive to create a welcoming community where people can enjoy each other's company while immersing themselves in a world of roleplay that encompasses the rich history and traditions of Habbo militaries.
As a member of the United States Air Force on Habbo.com, you can engage in meaningful role-play scenarios that challenge your skills and knowledge. We value teamwork, leadership, and discipline, and we believe that by embodying these values, we can create a fun and rewarding community.
We aim to foster an environment that encourages creativity, diversity, and inclusivity. We welcome people from all backgrounds and walks of life to join us in our mission to provide the best military roleplay experience on Habbo.com.
Section 2 - Regulations & Standing Orders
Subsection 2.1 - Regulations
Regulations exist to detail the expectations of the personnel within the United States Air Force and to govern how we operate as a military. They also serve as a central information point for personnel during their time enlisted.
All regulations are maintained by the United States Air Force Strategic Plans & Requirements Office and approved by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. Personnel are always informed of regulation updates to maintain the correct environment.
Subsection 2.2 - Enforcement of Regulations
It is the expectation of all enlisted personnel to enforce the regulations for themselves and their subordinates, holding themselves as well as others accountable where necessary. The duty of enforcement primarily falls to the Security Force (SF), which handles all disciplinary action within the United States Air Force. The Air Staff and Commissioned Officers support this MOS.
More information surrounding the specific duties of the Security Force can be found in Regulation 2. Structure of the Air Force.
Subsection 2.3 - Standing Orders
The Chief of Staff of the Air Force reserves the right to issue military-wide standing orders enforced to the same level as regulations. They will be documented accordingly, with personnel enforced. All standing orders last 31 (thirty-one) days unless stipulated otherwise before expiration.
Should a Standing Order not be placed into regulations or re-issued by the CSAF, the order will cease to be enforced and recognized.
Section 1 - General Provisions
All sections of this chapter are enforced for personnel serving within the United States Air Force, regardless of their rank and position. Personnel wishing to refer to the rules we uphold are directed to Regulation 6. Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Section 2 - Account Guidelines
Subsection 2.1 - Online Time
All personnel are expected to have their online time on Habbo displayed and their profile listed as public to assist the Security Force (SF) in completing AWOL checks on personnel; those who have their profile hidden may be discharged for being AWOL.
The following personnel are permitted to have their online status hidden:
Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Director of Air Force Staff
Director of Security Forces
Subsection 2.2 - Muting Officials
All personnel serving within the military are not authorized to either ignore officials on Habbo or block them on Discord. This allows communication between the individual and those leading the military to support them and handle any situation.
The following personnel are considered officials:
Members of the Air Staff
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Members of the Security Forces
Members of the individual's command team
Subsection 2.3 - Alternate Accounts
The United States Air Force authorises personnel to use a maximum of two alternate accounts to boost the room population. Alternate accounts are only endorsed for populating headquarters and conducting patrols, and when utilizing the user's main account is impossible.
All active or inactive alternate accounts are to be declared to the Security Forces. If a member intends to switch to the account as their main for a period, they are to follow the Alternate Account Procedure.
Subsection 2.4 - Compromised Accounts
To protect all enlisted personnel, it is required by all personnel that should any of their accounts become compromised, they declare it via the Compromised Account Procedure and by alerting a member of the Security Forces (SF).
Section 3 - Language Guidelines
To ensure the capability of all personnel, all personnel employed at the United States Air Force must speak and understand English. Personnel are allowed to use languages other than English to direct other personnel to speak in English or to direct a civilian to speak in English for recruitment purposes.
The use of profanity is allowed in HQ and on USAF platforms however, it should not be excessive. Any profanity directed at others, or contains defamatory, offensive or disrespectful remarks is strictly prohibited.
Section 4 - Relationship Guidelines
Members of the USAF who are in a relationship, whether that be a family relationship or dating relationship are required to follow the guidelines outlined below. This ensures a fair and unbiased process across USAF as an organization.
Avoid regular and continuous displays of affection in headquarters & other USAF platforms.
Personnel may not Promote/Award each other.
Personnel may not issue disciplinary action against one another, or be involved in the process of investigations.
Serve in the same MOS, exceptions are issued on a case-by-case basis by the Air Staff Representative & CSAF.
All relationships must be reported within FIVE (5) days, either of the relationship starting and/or the member joining USAF.
Relationships are to be reported to the CSAF.
Section 1 - Foreword
Anyone is not expected to donate to the United States Air Force. All donations are done of the member's own free will and are greatly appreciated, with all funding from donations going back into the military to fund events and other stuff for personnel.
Donations and purchases may only be made from an approved seller, you may request these in our headquarters or via our Discord server.
Section 2 - Tiers & Perks
Level |
Price |
Information |
HQ Access Pass |
25c |
Platinum VIP |
40c |
Pioneer Donator |
150c |
Trailblazer Donator |
300c |
Vanguard Donator |
500c |
Guardian Donator |
1000c |
Sentinel Donator |
2000c |
Defender Donator |
3000c |
Protector Donator |
4000c |
Section 3 - Terms & Conditions
Upon purchasing any donor tier, the user automatically agrees to all terms and conditions outlined below. Those who violate these terms and conditions are liable to have their access revoked by the NSC.
The terms are as follows:
A recognized perk badge must be worn at all times on USAF property.
Users are to follow all instructions from USAF Personnel
Users are forbidden from assuming any positions in the headquarters
Users must remain respectful of both USAF and its personnel at all times
Users who have been Dishonorably Discharged may not hold HQ Access Pass or Platinum VIP.
Users who have received a Never Rehire may not hold any VIP level.
Section 1 - Discord
The USAF Main Discord Server and all of its affiliated servers (hereon known as "Official Discord Servers") will be the official communication platform for all USAF personnel. All personnel above the rank of E4 - Senior Airman must join and be verified on the main discord server. If any personnel are found to have left the main discord server while being employed in the USAF, they will be given a deadline to re-join before they are discharged under Article 11. Desertion of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
All official communication related to the USAF must be done on the Official Discord Servers only. No form of communication involving official USAF duties shall take place in private groups/channels out of the Official Discord Servers without an Air Staff+ oversight. Approval must be sought from the SLC prior to setting up any official interviews and/or discussions in private group/channel settings. Personnel found to have breached this regulation will be dealt with in accordance with the UCMJ.
Subsection 1.1 - Permissions and Authority
Personnel are not allowed to tag roles that involves mass population of the USAF (i.e. @everyone, @here and/or @verified personnel etc) without prior approval from a Commissioned Officer/CMSAF. This is to prevent potential abuse of permission/authority in tagging roles that notifies most or all personnel.
Tagging of these roles can only be done for the following purpose(s):
Air Staff and above personnel are allowed to tag these roles whenever required (even if the situation is not included in the list above). Any personnel found to have tagged these roles unnecessarily and/or without prior approval will be dealt with in accordance with the UCMJ.
Subsection 1.2. Role Requests
All role requests must be done in the #requests channel on the main discord server. Please review the pinned message on requests guidelines and who to tag for specific concerns and/or enquiries. Any personnel found to have knowingly abused the role request permissions will be dealt with in accordance with the UCMJ.